Cup Loan Program Qualifications: All You Need To Know

You can get up to a $50,000 Cup Loan to finance your business. And the most interesting part of it is that it is given at low interest rates with a long repayment term. It also has easy qualification criteria. However, you must meet these qualifications before you will be approved for the loan. We have explained every detail that you need to know about the Cup Loan Program qualifications in this post.

Over the years, the financial sector has witnessed rapid growth that has made banking somewhat easier than it used to be. This is further heightened by the fact that you can now borrow money easily from various banks and lending platforms. The downside of these is that they come with high interest rates, limited loan amounts, and strict qualifications. This situation has made it difficult for some public ventures and corporations to get loans.

The good news, however, is that with the introduction of the Cup Loan Program of the United States Department of Agriculture, you can now get loans at low interest rates to finance your public facility projects. The minimum amount of money that can be gotten from this scheme is $10,000 and you are given up to 40 years to repay it. Nevertheless, you must meet the Cup Loan Program qualification before you proceed with the application. Continue reading to see them below.

What Are The Cup Loan Program Qualifications?


Before you apply and get approved for the Cup Loan, there are several qualifications that your project should possess or meet. These qualifications are also referred to as the eligibility criteria for the Cup Loan Program. I will explain each of them explicitly to your understanding below.

Public Facility Clause

This is the first and major qualification for the loan. Failure to meet these qualifications terminates any possibility of proceeding with the process. What it entails is that the loan is only available to Public facilities. In other words, it is not a commercial or personal loan. Hence, you must own or be a part of a public facility to be able to apply for the loan. As we move on, I will show you some of the examples of public facilities that the loan is meant for.

Must Be Located In A Rural Area.

Furthermore, your public facility must be located in any of the rural areas of the country. The population of the area where the facility is located must not be more than 20,000. You can visit the USDA office in your area to get the total number of people there as well as check if you meet this qualification. If you do, then you can proceed to check the next qualification.

Middle Household Income

Another qualification for the loan is the middle household income otherwise called the poverty line clause. This requires that your facility must be serving or aiming to serve people within the middle household income level. The people in the area must be below the poverty line of 80% which is the state’s non-metropolitan median household income as defined by the USDA Rural Development.

It is difficult to categorically state the median household income because it varies from one state to the other. So, check the USDA Rural Development website to get the details. Other Qualifications required for the loan are

  • A financial feasibility report showing the financial strength of the project and its ability to repay the loan.
  • An income statement of the project’s operation for at least 5 years (if it is an existing project).
  • A Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
  • A business and strategic plan for the project.
  • A description of all consultations that have been made regarding the environmental impact of the project.
  • Permits, certifications, and licenses showing the project’s adherence to federal, state, and local laws.
  • Must not destroy the historic sites and monuments in the area.
  • Must not constitute environmental harm.

What Are The Public Facilities That Are Qualified For The Cup Loan Program?


Some public facilities that are qualified to apply for this loan are schools, hospitals, health centers, parks, museums, transport services, food services/restaurants, libraries, etc.

What Can I Do If I Do Not Meet The Cup Loan Program Qualifications?


If you do not meet the Cup Loan Program qualifications, it, therefore, means that you are not eligible to apply as your application will not be approved. When such happens, it is best to look for alternatives. There are several other loans that are meant for similar purposes and others for personal uses. See some of them in the next paragraph.

Alternatives To The Cup Loan Program.


Some other loans that you may qualify for are;

  • USDA Direct Loan Program.
  • HUD Section 108 Guarantee Loan Program
  • Federal Students Loan
  • Hurricane Idalia Disaster Assistance Loan, etc.


Can An Individual Qualify For The Cup Loan Program?


Yes, an individual can qualify for the Cup Loan Program only if he/she is the owner of a public facility. This also goes to show the funds are not meant for personal uses but for your facility. You will be monitored to ensure that the funds are used for the purpose it was given.

How To Apply For The Cup Loan Program.


If you meet all the Cup Loan Program qualifications that have been explained above, you can now proceed with your application. To do that, visit your local USDA Rural Development office. You will be given some application forms to fill out and also be enlightened on the entire process. You can also create an account on the USDA online portal and follow the prompts to apply and monitor your application.

What Can I Use The Cup Loan For?

The funds for the Cup Loan program can be used to maintain an already existing public facility, build or construct a new facility, renovate, re-equip, etc.


Cup Loan is the sure way to go when looking for low-interest loans. So far, we explained the Cup Loan Program qualifications to you. You also saw other details of this loan program. I hope you with all that you have gathered, you will boldly start your application process soon. If however, you are not qualified, don’t give up, seize the opportunity to apply for other loans that were stated in the article.

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